Page 440 - Carmex - Inch Catalog 2022
P. 440
Supercut Solid Carbide Mills
Tip #4: Coolant
• Coolant can dramatically affect the performance of cutting tools, and the cost of
your operation.
• Cutting fluids perform two basic functions:
1) To reduce heat generated during the cut
2) Lubricate the tool and reduce friction between the chip and the tool
• Water-based coolant (emulsion) is the best option.
• Coolant improves the surface finish and helps force chips out of the flutes.
General milling tips
• Less flutes = more chip space, allows a deeper cuts (bigger Ae), suitable for
roughing/semi-finishing, slotting.
• More flutes – stronger core, higher stability, less chip space, shallower cut must
be used, suitable for super finishing especially for titanium, nickel and super-
• For best surface quality and tool life, run-out of the machine and the holder must
be reduced as close to zero, minimum overhang should be used.
• Climb vs. conventional milling – rule of thumb is “thick to thin” (chip thickness),
so most of the time climb milling would be the first choice.